Vijay Gwalani

Law Of The Land

Success comes post learning, true learning comes with experience. Experiences, good or bad, then transpire to trivia.
My Real Estate journey left me with a lot of experiences which I choose to quote in the form of trivia.
I choose to call it “LAW OF THE LAND”

It doesn’t matter what you believe, what matters is
what you can prove

Your degree is just a paper. Real education is seen
in your behaviour

A tourist is the one escaping while a traveler is the one experiencing

The leader always walks last

Why rent when you can buy​

A wise man once said nothing

Not invincible
only people

Making decisions
makes you solid

Pain is weakness
exiting the body

Doubt leads to death. If there is doubt, clear it before it clears you

Put your skin in the game and you shall master the game faster

Courage is finding the will to overcome your fears, nothing more

Slowly is the fastest way
to get to where
you want to be

Don’t just push a box.
Pitch only what you would
buy if you had the money

In futile pursuit of
that oomph called
absolute life

If you lose objectivity, rejoice. Often the best minds tend to lose objectivity in their pursuit for excellence

Motivation is not a 'one size fits all' therapy. Anyone who said that is selling you hope and in turn selling you smoke

Uninformed risk is a gamble, an informed one is business. Stay informed, you will be in business

Slow down
Tomorrow is another day

What money can’t buy,
more money can buy

Pain is weakness
exiting the body

Lost are those who
never ventured out

Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional

The art of knowing is
knowing what to ignore

I am a mirror, reflecting your flaws. Correct them by acknowledging what I reflect of you and find your true self

They say we choose life. It’s not true. Life chooses you. And when it does, make sure you make the best of it

Leave the party when it is at its peak. If you wait too long, you will be the one cleaning the mess it created

I have been poor and I have been rich. Believe me,
rich is better

The skill of a broker lies in gauging the financial capabilities of his buyer​

Sometimes, you need to get into the chaos, in order to restore order

Slowly is the fastest way to get to where you want to be
– Andre De Shields

The difference between humans and animals. Animals do not have financial worries

Sugar rush motivation... Like a bottle of coke, leaves you more desperate

And then one day they didn't even respect their history. They simply parted

Reject or accept darkness, it doesn't matter. But the choice reveals who you are

Mike Tyson rightly said... Every boxer has a plan, until you are punched in the face

If you get too deep into analysing the pros and cons of a given situation, you definitely will lose the opportunity

Delegate but keep one up your sleeve. Remember the cat taught the tiger how to hunt but never to climb a tree​

Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it anyway

Victory is best enjoyed when the world expects you to lose

There is always a truth beyond the truth we want to believe

Democratize your wealth and definitely democratize power

Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result

It ain't what you don't know that gets you in trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so

The greater the feeling when it begins, the bigger the blunder eventually. Moderation is key to longevity

I am not bossy
I just have better ideas

To measure the depth of the water, you need to get into it

Every man dies, but not every man really lives

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable man persists to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the
unreasonable man

Deliberate thinking is thinking based on data and statistics. Intuitive thinking where our gut commands our decisions.
80 percent of the
world leaders go with
intuitive thinking

Every day you are told you are in a free country. Broadly it's true. But everyday we wake up to being slaves to situations like debt, anxiety, stress, fear, failure, indignity and
above all betrayal

One day we all shall die On all other days we shall live

Find a solution Don't be a part of the problem

Everybody gets a chance. You just need to wait for yours

Always choose GUT
over TRUST

Inflation is a growing concern, Real estate is the only hedge

Deeper the thought
weaker the decision

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

The power doesn't lie with the king who takes the throne, it lies with the king maker​

The race in our minds should halt at death and nowhere
before that

A person who accepts that he doesn’t know today will definitely be a game changer tomorrow​

It’s always one step at a time. Pondering is not being lazy. Awaiting the right opportunity is definitely not being lazy

Life is a journey and death the final destination. Everything we achieve in this journey are mere milestones

‘Bukhe peth bhajan naa hoye Gopala’. A hungry man craves money not Gyaan

Owning real estate is the
most intoxicating feeling
a man can get

Becoming a monk is definitely not what we came in the material world for

Too much, too quick
is too bad

Moderation is the key to longevity

Absorb only with the intent to exude

Fortunately or unfortunately, we live in a material world. Your success is defined by your material wealth after all

Holding yourself from making a decision is like ignoring a wound waiting to become a gangrene

For me success is about touching the finish line, only to make the finish line start of a new race

When the lake is full of water, the fish eat the ants.
When the lake dries up,
the ant eat the fish.
Everyone gets their chance

Never put your
short term earnings
into long term goals.
It will only ruin your present in pursuit of securing your future

It’s not about chasing every opportunity that knocks your door. It’s about identifying that one opportunity that changes your life forever​

Sometimes, the right paths are the easiest ones

They say happiness is giving. So start with giving yourself

Failure is not something to run from but to learn from

A bad market is like quicksand the more you struggle to get out of it the faster you go in

Making decisions is simple. Anything that makes you happy is a good decision

Buying your own home is the
biggest milestone in the quest to be materially successful

Freedom in modern times is nothing but being financially independent. So let us thrive to be free man

There is nothing more powerful than the feeling of having more money than what you need

They say we choose life. It’s not true. Life chooses you. And when it does, make sure you make the best of it

Time is our ally.
Don't despise bad time.
If nothing else, just wait out

Life's not always about
being right. At times
it's about being happy

In futile pursuit of
that oomph called
absolute life

Motivation is like
giving a coke to
someone in destitute.
At first it gives you high,
but eventually get you
in a deeper low

Just because you choose
a difficult path
doesn’t assure you
it’s the right one.
Sometimes, the right paths
are the easiest ones

Beyond the roads less travelled is a place called Further. Where you get to explore uncharted territories. Here you do more than merely exist

Every morning in Africa, a Gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion or it will be killed

Every morning a Lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest Gazelle or it will starve to death

It doesn't matter whether you are a Lion or a Gazelle ... when the sun comes up, you'd better be running

If you are not desperate to win,
then you will never fear defeat
- Inspired by Bhagwat Geeta

Gyaan alone cannot sail you through. Karma is key. Do get up and act.

Whether geek, monk or street smart boy, they all need to get up and perform